Ratties are great pets. They are very affectionate, clean, and love to play. I tell people that they are very smart and are like little dogs.
Here are some resources about owning and adopting pet rats.
The Rat Fan Club - Founded in 1992 and focuses on rats as companion animals. The Rat Fan Clubs goal is to share our love of rats, promote them as companion animals, and spread information about their proper card. You will find rat care information, vet referral lists, a list of breeders, etc.
Mainely Rat Rescue - Mainely Rat Rescue’s mission is to rehabilitate and find homes for surrendered or abandoned domestic rats, as well as spreading awareness, education, and support for this often misunderstood animal. I donate to this wonderful organization and have adopted ratties from them.
Rat Guide - A layman’s guide to health, medication use, breeding, and responsible care of pet rats.
Rat Assistance & Teaching Society - R.A.T.S. was formed to educate people about pet rats and to teach animal care professionals the proper care of rats. “We believe rats should be respected as pets and treated as humanely as any other pet” This is another organization that I support with donations.
It’s a Rat’s World Magazine - This is a great monthly magazine all about rats and the humans they own. Print or electronic subscriptions are available.